Why I’m Starting A Blog
When I thought about starting a blog, I went through my usual process of considering the pros and cons. For me, these are the advantages of starting a blog:
I journal anyway. It is a healthy habit, and this is an opportunity to share my more noteworthy thoughts.
Blogging is much better for personal development and communication than social media. It is a good opportunity to practice my writing and generate thought content that has depth. I also retain ownership of my content.
Blogging can be a great motivator for organizing my thoughts more clearly and creating more detailed and interesting content.
Here are some of the negatives I considered:
This is yet another online hobby that can suck up my personal/productive time and energy.
I could be falling into the "cult of self" trap - believing that what I share is more important than what it actually is.
I could share something that damages my personal and professional life.
So after some consideration, I decided that it is a worthwhile hobby. I like to believe I am organized enough with my time that this will not suck up too much of my life. I will make a point to share only posts that I believe are valuable and useful. Hopefully, if I think these are valuable and useful to me, they will be valuable and useful to at least one other person. I will keep this blog clean and avoid anything too controversial.
Thanks for reading!